Impossible List - 15 February
How far I've come over the course of the last month in regards to the impossible list of goals I've set for myself.
I don’t know if it’s a phase or just my age, or what have you, but I’ve lost faith in the ability of the systems of governance to protect and serve constituents.
I don’t know if it’s a phase or just my age, or what have you, but I’ve lost faith in the ability of the systems of governance to protect and serve constituents. If the fifth largest economy in the world has a 30% of its children living below 60% median income after housing costs (poverty line), then I appear to have different priorities to not only this but the last several governments that have led us to this position.
I’ve attempted to work with government, I continue to work with charities, I have not moved the needle. And I believe that the only way to precipitate change is to work outside the systems that hold back if not discourage positive change.
This isn’t a single individual’s fault. This isn’t a single political party’s fault. But it is a reality that exists. And we can choose to work within that reality or tread another path. I’ve had an idea for an alternative. Although after reading you might come to the conclusion that you know why I haven't moved the needle.
Here are 12 rules for my alternative idea to change the world albeit not necessarily for the better:
This starts with the generation of passive income.
It doesn’t matter the amount. If it’s £100 a month, £10 a month or even a £1 a month that is the source of funds we have to address problems. This isn’t generated by soliciting donations, it must come through some passive income stream.
Each year we research and determine what the worst crisis in the world is at that point in time
There are many lists that look at these issues from well established UNICEF to Nation wide charities and the average joe on their YouTube vlog. Given an amount of time it will become clear what the top conflicts are and we can decide from those what to focus on.
We focus on that crisis for an entire year
The aim is to focus on this issue for the entirety of a year. Kind of like a self-imposed charity volunteering. At the end of the year, we circle back around to research and determine the next years focus.
We frame the problem against the available funds
£1 a month is not a lot of money, but it is more than some make in a day, so it has some potential to do something somewhere in the world. Maybe all it can do is buy the stamp and envelope to send a letter. If that is it so be it.
The aim of the game is to effect change
That is not to say positive change. We are just seeking to illicit a change in the world. The hope is that change can lead to other things. To embrace this concept you have to know that even good intentions can be construed for nefarious purposes. It would be impossible to guarantee positive outcomes. The aim instead is to effect change and let the opportunities inherent in change present themselves to be taken advantage of. I’ll still hope for positive change, I’m just realistic that other outcomes are available.
The bigger the change the better
Given the budgetary constraints this will most likely be an intellectual problem. But the aim is to not only effect change but effect the biggest change that can be affected.
To effect change you must make decisions
Setting monthly SMART goals and then standing by those goals until they have seen their course. I would expect that this will be more difficult that it is to write.
The secondary aim is to effect response
With a response perhaps a dialogue could be created. I can get an idea of an event from journalism, from books, internet, YouTube etc. But to receive a response from a direct question. Makes a connection that all of these other sources cannot begin to equate to.
This is not achieved through bartering or gifts
We are not soliciting donations actively or passively. The income must be self-generated, self-sustaining and free from ties. Passive income can only be brought in by those taking part in the current year of support.
We are not raising awareness of ourselves or the cause we are working for
All actions undertaken are not actively seeking to gain notoriety for ourselves or the group. Unless it is crucial to the action being carried out, it would be better to stay as anonymous as we can. If the actions themselves gain notoriety then good for them, but this is not a vanity project. It should and will include work.
Record changes effected
At the end of the year record the actions that had been affected and keep notes on what did and did not work. Make those available for others to read. Fuck ups are just important as achievements. This applies to records as well. Financial records are an open book, past ideas, decisions, actions and outcomes are recorded and published. If done correctly this will be one of the most difficult things to achieve.
When the time comes bring a friend
If you want to continue to take part in the work in the next year you need to bring a friend to the inaugural meeting where a crisis is chosen as a focus. Introduce them to the possibility of change through the chaos of effecting any change.