
The meat of my blog posts deal with the technical projects I take on or get involved with...there is always something. The range of subjects is vast spanning from odd curiosity to full scale societal change. I am apparently the type of person that given £1,000,000 would spin out ten large scale projects and eat ramen noodles in the hope I precipitate change.

Automated T-Shirt Design

Automated T-Shirt Design

I am determined that this will be the year of completing projects. And to that end I am just finishing up on delivering a working version of my automated t-shirt design company.

Goals & Sharing

Goals & Sharing

I was wondering what it would be like to attend an event that wasn’t shared with the entire world.

Open Sourced Facts

Open Sourced Facts

I’ve given up on the idea that you can win an argument based on facts. I understand the politics behind that statement, but debating the correct path just no longer seems a viable way to achieve a goal.

Tentative Idea

Tentative Idea

I don’t know if it’s a phase or just my age, or what have you, but I’ve lost faith in the ability of the systems of governance to protect and serve constituents.



A learning platform. But aren’t there a million and one of those operating right now, I hear you say. Yes, there are.

CivTech 6 - Challenge 6 Idea

CivTech 6 - Challenge 6 Idea

So I just noticed that the CivTech 6 challenges have been released. Having a browse through I’m excited to see what the response to these will be.