State of the Matthew Address 2024
I am alive and well. As this is the baseline for me to give an address we will move swiftly on.
Regarding my Health
I am currently a bit fatter than I need to be. This appears to be a constant. I'll enter the new year at fourteen stones give or take a pound. No need to worry as I am lighter than when I began my work to reduce my weight last 18 months ago and will be that much closer in this year's attempt to get down to the magical NHS condoned ideal weight of eleven stone and eleven pounds.
Alcohol consumption was still at record lows in 2023, but even though its low I'm considering giving up alcohol again for a year to help in the weight reduction process. Also in support of the weight loss I'm considering joining a gym to help me keep highly active. This will also help build up a level of fitness this year that I'm hoping to put towards climbing something serious big in 2025.
Regarding my Professional Life
There have been a handful of personal projects, but nothing particularly noteworthy. I've finished working through some meaty courses in JavaScript and I'm considering working through an open source data science course starting this year.
Actual work continues to go well and I'm slowly building up a solid front end function at Insights.
Regarding my Personal Interests
I did make progress on my book, but it is always a struggle to keep the momentum going. I will get it sorted and hopefully this will be the year.
Photography continues to happen, and I will get better if I keep working at it. Considering a little video work this year, just to see if I can make anything interesting.
Regarding my Travel
I got to see Norway, Netherlands, France and the US this past year. 2024 will hopefully let me see Italy and Denmark. My traveling is leveling off this year, but I'm saving up for some bigger trips.
I came up with an idea that my wife seems keen to support, in that we'll attempt to travel to an Island per year for the foreseeable future starting next year with Orkney, and then St Kilda in 2025 and keep spiralling outwards.
Regarding my Volunteering
Tayside Re-Users continues to move forward and has continued the advertising adventure. This year I'll need to focus on membership of the organisation now that the foundation for membership cards has been laid.
Regarding my Education
I have been workign through my Russian. I am hoping to try another Russian course this year.
Regarding my Finances
I am very comfortable at the moment. I could always be more comfortable, but I seem to be doing OK. All money is now focused on digging ourselves out of debt incurred in Louise's education, should take most of the year, but will be worth it when we arrive.
In other news I have achieved citizenship, and got my British passport this last year.
Regarding the Future
I am strong, I am fit and I will keep moving forward.