Photography - Four Years On
I've continued photography. I generally only take photos with my camera of landscapes in the mountains, but it sometimes comes out on holidays as well. I've noticed that I take landscapes with my nice Fuji camera and then use my phone for taking documenting photos. Those of people places and just going ons.
I've collected a lot of camera gear in the last two years I've got a lot of stuff, but I have noticed that I lean heavily on my 16-80mm lens. I eventually got my telephoto lens, but I don't use it as much as I thought I would. I am still looking to get a teleconverter to complete the lenses, but I'm saving for lots of things and it is down in the priority list.
While before I had been bitten by the climbing bug and lugging around my camera I've now included running. I could see myself adding a smaller camera to my arsenal as running with the big camera would be a bit awkward. Or maybe I'll buy the 27mm pancake lens for my Fuji.
Still looking to practice portraiture, bought a few stands and lights as well as a backdrop so hopefully that gives me enough of a setup to give it a whirl. I'll need to find some time to make a few experiments.
I've kept up posting my work on Flickr and kept up my weekly posting of photos to Facebook. Those pictures on Facebook continue to get nice comments, but the people seeing those photos are generally friends and family so not a very critical audience. I don't really think I need to get a critical audience, just noting that I'm still very firmly in the amateur category.
I do keep thinking I should try video, but I really need to get the time to put that kind of hobby together and give it a go. Maybe I'll get there with time?