Impossible List - 15 February
How far I've come over the course of the last month in regards to the impossible list of goals I've set for myself.
A basic update on the progress of my impossible list as of 15 September 2020.
So, my first update post about the impossible list. My Impossible List lists all of the goals that I am actively working towards at the minute. So this isn't so much anything you'd want to read about, but it keeps me right and helps me structure my work towards what I want to accomplish.
I've completed 3 monthly blog articles on my way towards writing 6 monthly articles on my projects and work. And after a brief hiatus from moving forward with the MVP I'm building with Hilary Campbell I'm back in the driving seat and moving it forward. I had to bring it back up online and it appears to have a few issues regarding updates to the server so I'm working to sort these issues and get the base system up and running for tweaking on her part.
Personal Skills
I've been slowly working away at my photography having now taken many photographs, but focused on editing 161 of them. I've joined a group called 52 Frames which encourages me to take a photograph a week in response to a specific challenge. 4 weeks in and I seem to be moving along well.
Education / Languages
I've slowed down on my statistics course and focused on getting through my course on Object Orientated Python. I'm not going as fast as I'd like, but I am moving forward every day.