Impossible List

Impossible List

So there's this idea that is supposed to be an improvement on a bucket list. It's called the Impossible List. It's meant to be a list of impossible goals broken down into smaller chunks that are crossed off with the date of completion and then expanded upon across various categories in your life.

For example, say you wanted to lose weight. Your first goal might be, "I want to lose 5 pounds". You make a public list, tell everybody you're working on it and when you reach your goal you mark it off and write down the date. Then underneath you expand that goal into, "I want to lose 10 pounds". This continues until you lose steam in the idea, perhaps you reach your target weight, or perhaps you'll branch off and turn it into achieving other health goals, or maybe you'll keep running with it and your goal eventually becomes, "I want to compete in the Mr. Universe competition".

The entire idea reads like it was written by a guy who wears Oakleys and refers to everyone as "Bro". You can check him out for yourself: And as cringe as that might be, I really do like the idea and welcome you to judge me based on my own random life goals.


Speak at a Technical Conference Active  
Build a bliss-symbolics keyboard Completed - 22-12-2022 Link
Build an autonomous business Completed - 01-09-2022  
Build a personal blog website Completed - 01-10-2020 Link
Write 6 monthly blogs Completed - 01-01-2021 Link
Write 12 monthly blogs Completed - 01-07-2021 Link

Health / Fitness

Get down to 14 stone in weight Completed - 15-03-2021  
Get down to 13 stone in weight Completed - 01-07-2021  
Get down to 12 stone 7 pounds in weight Active  
Get down to 12 stone in weight Active  
Get down to 11 stone 11 pounds in weight Active  
Go for an intentional walk every weekday for a month Completed - 24-09-2021  
Don't drink for a year Completed - 01-01-2022  
Don't drink for another year Active  

Personal Skills

Write a fiction book Active  
Take and edit 1000 photos Active  

Travel / Events

Climb Mont Blanc Active  
Climb the English Furths Active  
Climb San Luis Peak Completed - 29-08-2023  
Attend the Sami Reindeer Races in Tromsø, Norway Completed - 13-02-2023  
Climb Mt. Toubkal Completed - 06-09-2021  
Attend the Wigtown Book Festival Completed - 03-10-2021  

Volunteering / Charity

Increase membership to 100 at Tayside Re-Users Active  
Increase board members to 10 at Tayside Re-Users Active  

Education / Languages

Complete Duolingo Russian Active  
Take a Russian Language Course at University Completed - 30-11-2021  
Take a statistics course Completed - 20-02-2021  
Take a course on Python OOP Completed - 27-11-2020  


Achieve an annual income of £40,000 Completed - 01-04-2021  
Achieve an annual income of £60,000 Completed - 28-06-2021  
Achieve an annual income of £80,000 Active  
Clear my credit card Active  
Save up a £1,000 emergency fund Active  
Become a UK citizen Completed - 05-07-2023